Ahmedabad July 2024: With the inspiration of the country's Prime Minister Narendrabhai Modi and the country's Home and Cooperation Minister Amitbhai Shah, the campaign...
With 100% recycled PET (rPET) in Coca-Cola's 250 ml ASSP, a 66%% reduction in carbon emissions is achieved compared to non-ASSP virgin PET.Â
New Delhi,...
Key Highlights
Brings 13,000 acres of previously unproductive land in Palghar district under green cover
Will plant an additional one million treesin the next...
~ #BenchPeBaatshowcases the sustainable benches,each made from 50 kgs of recycled plastic waste collected during ICC Cricket World Cup 2023
~Benchesinstalled across schools, colleges, public...
Reduced potential gas flaring volume by 60%over the last four years
Operation-wide mass Tree and Mangroves plantation to create significant carbon sinks -...