- Gross Loan Book at ₹30,466 crore up 10% YoY
- Secured Book at 39% as of Dec’24 vs 35% as of Sep’ 24
- GNPA / NNPA for the Quarter Stands at 2.7% / 0.6% PCR Stands at 80%
- Depositsat ₹34,494 crore up 16% YoY CASA up 15% YoY CASA Ratioat 25%
Bengaluru 23 January 2025: Ujjivan Small Finance Bank ltd. [BSE: 542904; NSE: UJJIVANSFB], today announced its financial performance for the quarter ended December, 2024
Summary of Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Business Performance–Q3FY25
- Assets
- Grossloanbookat₹30,466*croreup9.8%YoY/0.4%QoQ
- 3%asofDec’24vs28.3%asofDec’23/34.9%asofSep’24
- 3%QoQand52.0%YoY
Collection and Asset Quality
- OverallCollectionEfficiencyat~96%in Dec’24;
- BucketXcollectionefficiencyimprovingforGroupandIndividualLoanbook;at99.3%asofDec’24
- Portfolio at Risk*/GNPA*/NNPA* at 5.4%/2.7%/0.6% respectively as of Dec’24; for Sep’24 at 5.1%/ 2.5%/ 0.6% respectively; Q3FY25 write-off at ₹ 30 crore;
- AcceleratedProvisiontakeninQ3of₹30crore;ProvisioncoverageratioasofDec’24is80%#
- Depositsat₹34,494croreasofDec’24up16.3%YoY/1.2%QoQ
- CASAat₹8,662croreup15%YoY;CASAratioat25.1%asofDec’24
- RetailTD^continuestogrowandasofDec’24is₹16,612crore,up29.5%YoY/4.4%QoQ
- Q3FY25NIIof₹887croreup3.1%YoY;NIMat 8.6%forQ3FY25
- 2%inQ3FY25vs6.4%inQ2FY25
- Q3FY25PPoPat₹359crore;Q3FY25Adjusted$PATat₹132 Crore
- Q3FY25Adjusted$RoA/RoEat1.2%/8%
Capital and Liquidity
- Capitaladequacyratioat9%
- ProvisionalDailyAverageLCRforDec’24was4%
Mr.Sanjeev Nautiyal, MD & CEO, Ujjivan Small Finance Bank said, “Q3FY25 has been ahealthyquarterwhereinthe diversification of loan book is showing consistent improvement. Our strategy towards more secured book has seen accelerated results contributing 39% to the total asset loan growing 13% QoQ and 52% YoY. These efforts enabled the loan book to grow to ₹ 30,466 crore up 0.4% QoQ and 10% YoY.
Being a responsible lender, Bank undertook a proactive decision to effect reduction in interest rates in Group loans (GL) and Individual loans (IL) offering competitive rates to our customers w.e.f. January 01, 2025. This will act as an enabler to acquire quality customers. Parallelly, we are keeping a close watch on the evolving Microfinance space andnavigatingitappropriately.Fewpocketsofstressvisibleearlierarenowdemonstratinghealthytrends.X-Bucket collectionefficiencyinGL&ILhasimprovedto99.3%inDec’24vs99.0%inAug’24.Owingtothevisiblegreenshoots, we have seen higher disbursements during the first 3 weeks of Q4FY25. We are geared to pursue healthy business as the situation in different states approach towards normalcy. Secured businesses are making perpetual and determined strides, this year registering a ~40% YTD growth and poised to register a stronger growth for full year FY25.
To manage asset quality better, Bank also engaged in a saleof stressed loan assets to the tuneof ₹ 270 crore. Bank has alsotaken anaccelerated provisionof₹ 30 croreto be bettercushioned from any futureexigencies. Post which GNPA/NNPA as on Dec’24 stands at 2.7%/0.6% with a comfortable PCR of 80%.
Deposit book at ₹ 34,494 crore as of Dec’24 is up 1.2% QoQ and 16.3% YoY. CASA ratio at 25.1% as of Dec’24 continuedtobehealthy.Bankisintheprocessofenablingsomestructuralchangesinitsliabilitystrategyenhancing focusto serve more targeted segments of affluent customers largely classified under Non-Residents, Corporate Salary andTraders.NewproductsinourproductsuiteaffiliatedpostreceiptofAD-1licencewillalsoenhanceofferingsand improve customer base in-line with our above stated strategy.
Finally, I am happy to share that we will be shortly moving the application to RBI for transition to a Universal Bank having received approval of the Board in the meeting held today.”